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CEART Allegation by ZENKYO 3/11 Disaster
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United Nations Conference to prohibit Nuclear Weapons · Report of Action in New York
3 young members of Zenkyo joined in the Gensuikyo delegation to New York, on the occasion of the UN Conference to negotiate a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, from June 15 to 20. They observed the Conference, collecting petitions on the streets in Manhattan, joined in the Women’s March, as well as participated in the Youth Exchange Meeting. It was great opportunity for participants to touch upon the current of the international community and its growing public opinion for the treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons.
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ZENKYO Representative went to Nepal and visited a community center in the mountainous area built by using the support funds from ZENROREN and ZENKYO.He had exchange with the villagers.

ZENKYO’s Vice President Hejikata was in Nepal for a four-day tour from the 10th October together with ZENROREN International Director and A French CGT Representative. They visited a community center located in the eastern mountainous part of the country that was constructed with the relief fund for the big earthquake disaster. On that occasion, they met with the Chairman of GEFONT, the Nepalese national trade union center and some officers.  In addition, a meeting was held with the Chairperson of the teachers and staff union NNTA and its Secretary General. They had exchange of information about the situation of education in their respective countries and the activities of the teachers and staff union.

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Latest Opinions

【Zenkyo Statement】April 7, 2016
Creating a new “Scholarship Program”
Zenkyo strongly insists that the government establish a benefit plan scholarship program and that all present ‘scholarships’ be free of interest.

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【Zenkyo Statement】September 19, 2015
We Will Never Approve the Enforcement of the “War Bills”
On the early morning of September 19, the Abe Cabinet rammed the Security legislation, ‘International Peace Support Law ’ and‘Legislation for Peace and Security’(so-called ‘ War Bills’ ) in the upper house of the Diet. More than 60 percent of the citizen are against these bills.
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