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CEART Allegation by ZENKYO 3/11 Disaster
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【3/11 Disaster】November 3,2013
Tour of Fukushima, “Fukushima wo Miru, Aruku, Kangaeru (Watch, Walk and Think of Fukushima)”

On November 3rd, 2013, ZENKYO planned a tour of Fukushima, “Action of Watch, Walk and Think of Fukushima. Two Years and Eight months have passed since the accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants”, cooperated with Fukushima High School Teachers and Staff Union. There are 24 participants from all parts of the country, and they visited Iidate-mura, Minamisōma-shi and Namie-machi.

【3/11 Disaster】March 29,2013
Two Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake
 Two and a half years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants occurred in March 2011. Teachers and staff have been continuing efforts in the affected areas that haven’t even proceeded restoration and recovery works.

Nobiru Elementary School, Higashi Matsushima
2 and a half years has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, children still study at temporary prefabricated school yet.

【3/11 Disaster】March 28,2012
Actions for Relief of Victims of the East Japan Great Earthquake, Tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Accident
 On March 11, 2011, at 2:46 p.m., a big earthquake of magnitude 9.0 on Richter scale, followed by a gigantic tidal wave or tsunami, hit vast areas in East Japan.  It caused a tremendous damage: 15,846 people died while 3,317 others are still reported missing (figures provided by the government on February 8, 2012).  Huge tsunami that rushed to the Pacific coast of the Main Island (Honshu) utterly destroyed and washed away many towns and villages, claiming a large number of human lives.  The disaster also took away from those who narrowly escaped death their houses, their jobs and their peaceful day-to-day life with all the fond memories.

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