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トップページ This is Zenkyo 
This is Zenkyo
  • Preface
  • Platform
  • History
  • News Letter

under construction

Platform of ZENKYO

    Independent from capitals/power and political parties,we promote economic,social and political status of teachers and staffs uniting ourselves on the basis of common demands.
    We promote cooperation and solidarity with workers and trade unions extensively and defend and develop living and rights of working people.
    We defend independence of education and freedom of research and together with parents and citizens establish democratic education based on idea and principles of the Constitution of Japan and the Fundamental Law of Education.
    Cooperating with citizens on every social level,we defend freedom,peace and democracy and aim at the creation of affluent culture and social progress.
    Aiming at the world peace and democracy,as well as the self-determination ofpeoples and defence ofhuman rights,we promote international solidarity and interchange.
    With the pledge “Never Send Again Our Children to the Battlefield!”,we endeavour to carve out bright future for the child and youth.



月刊『クレスコ』2013年12月号 11月20日発売
特集  あらためて いま教育課程づくりを
藪本理恵(小学校・算数)/山内 衛(小学校・理科)/谷尻 治(中学校・社会)/谷浦健司(高校・英語)/小池由美子(高校・道徳)/松代峰明(高校・教育課程づくり)
子どもの権利・教育・文化 子ども全国センター教育基本法「改正」情報センター
教育子育て 九条の会九条の会
憲法改悪反対共同センター改憲国民投票法案 情報センター
www.zenkyo.bizに掲載の記事・写真の無断転載をお断りします。Copyright(c)ZENKYO. All rights reserved.